
Showing posts from July, 2021

Quantum Cryptography

The What Quantum Cryptography is one the latest advancements in Cryptography. This technique involves using the "quantum mechanics" concept of Physics in Cryptography. Quantum Mechanics deals with atomic and sub-atomic particles, and endorses the particle nature of light, which carries packets of energy called Photons. This concept was first postulated by Einstein as The Photo-Electric Effect(for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1921), and later proved by Max Planck and others. The Photo-Electric Effect is the emission of electrons when light (electromagnetic radiation) hits a surface. This concept is implemented in Cryptography to improve security. The key implementation is in Quantum Key Distribution called in short, as QKD. The How QKD is used for sharing secret keys between two parties, by using two bit sequences - Vertical and Horizontal Polarizations, in the form of photons In cryptography, the sender and receiver are usually called Bob and Alice. Let us assume that...