The Shadow of the Wind
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Never heard of this book or author before. Picked it because it had a very good rating.
A fast paced amazing thrilling page turner, that blows your mind.. but, later when i sat back and think over, i guess, i found a lot of loop holes :(
Everyone seems to madly and unconditionally love a writer, whose books don't even sell. There is only one villain, apart from whom, everybody else would even die for the protagonist.
Miquel Moliner - a man who is living only for his friend. He has no other ambitions in his life. he spends lavishly on Julian until he becomes a beggar, and then, when life is all he has in his hands, he gives up that too for Carax. Does anyone like that truly exist?
Nuria Monfort - a lady who ardently loves Julian Carax. Miquel loves her, knowing very well that her heart belongs to Carax.
Penélope Aldaya - Julian's ladylove, for whose sake, he ruins his won life, especially after her death.
Daniel Sempere - one of the protagonists, whose life is a mirror image of Julian, and who is going in search of Julian's lost history. He too, at the end, risks his life to save Julian's.
Now is one man worth so many people risking their lives for him?
Julián Carax - The main protagonist. His love for Penélope makes him blind to everything around him. He does not reciprocate the friendship and affection of Miquel, his best friend. While Miquel himself goes into poverty while giving his entire fortune to publish Julian's literary work, Carax simply allows him to die with false identity, while he runs away with his life.. Carax the coward.
He says he will never love another woman in his life. If that be true, then why would he insert his penis into Nuria's vagina, almost every night they are together? Now, I call that a womanizer. Someone who openly says he loves someone and willing to bed someone else, simply because both of them are lonely is a horrible thing to think of... In the author's own words, "Does the madman know he is mad?"
His so-called-father who never actually fathered him, loves him more than anything. I don't understand why..
Everyone hails Carax as a literary genius, but there is no reference to what he writes about!
Though the plot was awesome and a wonderful page turner, a lot of things sounded way too absurd at second thought.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Never heard of this book or author before. Picked it because it had a very good rating.
A fast paced amazing thrilling page turner, that blows your mind.. but, later when i sat back and think over, i guess, i found a lot of loop holes :(
Everyone seems to madly and unconditionally love a writer, whose books don't even sell. There is only one villain, apart from whom, everybody else would even die for the protagonist.
Miquel Moliner - a man who is living only for his friend. He has no other ambitions in his life. he spends lavishly on Julian until he becomes a beggar, and then, when life is all he has in his hands, he gives up that too for Carax. Does anyone like that truly exist?
Nuria Monfort - a lady who ardently loves Julian Carax. Miquel loves her, knowing very well that her heart belongs to Carax.
Penélope Aldaya - Julian's ladylove, for whose sake, he ruins his won life, especially after her death.
Daniel Sempere - one of the protagonists, whose life is a mirror image of Julian, and who is going in search of Julian's lost history. He too, at the end, risks his life to save Julian's.
Now is one man worth so many people risking their lives for him?
Julián Carax - The main protagonist. His love for Penélope makes him blind to everything around him. He does not reciprocate the friendship and affection of Miquel, his best friend. While Miquel himself goes into poverty while giving his entire fortune to publish Julian's literary work, Carax simply allows him to die with false identity, while he runs away with his life.. Carax the coward.
He says he will never love another woman in his life. If that be true, then why would he insert his penis into Nuria's vagina, almost every night they are together? Now, I call that a womanizer. Someone who openly says he loves someone and willing to bed someone else, simply because both of them are lonely is a horrible thing to think of... In the author's own words, "Does the madman know he is mad?"
His so-called-father who never actually fathered him, loves him more than anything. I don't understand why..
Everyone hails Carax as a literary genius, but there is no reference to what he writes about!
Though the plot was awesome and a wonderful page turner, a lot of things sounded way too absurd at second thought.
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