Fire on the Mountain

Fire on the MountainFire on the Mountain by Anita Desai
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hail the Indian Walden, everything I yearned for from Thoreau, I received in abundance from Anita. Nature is so beautifully and tenderly expressed. The ending was something I least expected.

This is my first book by the author. Her sense of humor is particularly noteworthy. It's sad that no one recommended any of her books to me.

Reading the book made me fall in love with the description, made me want to go and live in Carignano, in Kasali for ever and ever. I am an Nanda Kaul. I somehow saw every bit of her in me - the desperation and longing for nature, beauty and solitude - away from a super mean society.

For all the humor and fun, the book had such a tragic ending reflecting the stark realities of life, the realities a male chauvinistic society shamelessly inflicts on her better half.

Anything shy of 5 stars to this masterpiece is a shame on me.

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