A Telephonic Conversation - Mark Twain

A Telephonic ConversationA Telephonic Conversation by Mark TwainMy rating: 5 of 5 stars

I initially gave this story 2 stars, and I was about to blast at Twain for producing such a dumb-witted work.
Then I sat back and thought, 'Dumb-witted' is never Twain. Mark Twain was just eaves-dropping on a conversation and reproducing it. So, what went wrong?Me..I didn't know how to enjoy the story!
I went back to the story again, and imagined myself as Twain, eavesdropping on some middle-aged lady's conversation, with adequate and appropriate intonations.That was the magic! I didn't imagine well last time..
Well done Twain! Good job eavesdropping :)


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